Fall in a day

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Beach Blessings

This was the first week long vacation my husband and I have taken in six years! A full weekend with the kids and four more days with the folks! Much needed I must admit. I've got so many views I don't even know where to start. First off having the kids with us for the first couple of days was an absolute highlight of the trip! Here we are cooped up in a small trailer (at least not a tent) and we are laughing and having the best of times. It was truly a treat to have the older ones with us and we didn't even need to bribe them. We all shared in the work load as well as reaping the benefits of our sharing with each other.
God has truly blessed us with some awesome boys and a daughter-in-law to be. Being together in a relaxing atmosphere and each given the opportunity to be ourselves was an experience I'm glad we were all able to be a part of.

I must-ant leave out Miss Meika - I'm sure she probably thought she had more fun than any of us. Her view from only a foot off the sand found her exploring, investigating and finding all sorts of new opportunities. She loved running through the surf, playing with kelp ropes and making an occasional chase to the closest gull.

As for me - It was all I could do just to walk the beach and look for the occasional agate. Not too many to be found on this beach, which was quite disappointing. One of the main reasons we wanted to spend time at the beach was to look for the big blue. Don't tell anyone but we actually bought a quart jar of blue agates at an antique store. OK, so that's cheating and I suppose you all have a view about that?! I say how ever you can obtain them - do it. No moral values here. Oh, with the exception of stealing of course. So I guess I do have a view about that.

This is me pulling up the crab pot. I've got all kinds of views regarding crabbing. Beings this was my first time I think I'm well qualified to state how I feel. First off it's a public dock - I figure you can park it where ever you want. Second - leave others' pots alone. And third - don't offer advice unless asked. So enough about those views - It was easy pulling our pot coming up through the water but soon as it hit the surface I needed Brent to help me pull it up the rest of the way. Whew! It became quite the work out. Meika managed to keep her nose from getting pinched by the crabs t
hat scooted across the dock when we pulled them up. Too funny! Just as a side note: we didn't get any keepers.

o in closing I just want to give an observation -
If when ever possible you can spend time with family...do it! God truly blesses And we were certainly all blessed by the time we spent together.

Until next time...Blessings to all of you from the Beach!

1 comment:

  1. Loved looking at your pics and journaling of your time with your family. LOOKS like you all had a good time together. I love family times where everyone can just be them selves and enjoy each others company.
