Fall in a day

Saturday, September 5, 2009

My Views

I've always wanted my own blog. So here is my start. Rather than writing about my personal views of situations, places or things I want to share with everyone some other views - my own back yard.

We debated rem
oving this old snag because it has interfered with our view of the mountain - It served as a perch for Eagles, Hawks, Buzzards and Owls before we had the house built. The current perchers are now Stellar Jays, Ravens, Robins, Rufous-Sided Towhees, Western Tanangers, Gold Finches, Siskins, Wrens, Swallows, Fly Catchers, Morning Doves, Downy & Pileated Woodpeckers, Flickers, Varied Thrush and Rufous & Calliope Hummingbirds. Hope I didn't leave any out. They don't all come around every year but we enjoy them when they're here. We can lay in bed and watch any number of different species light on a branch to take in the view themselves. L.O.L. we find them much more interesting than they find us I am sure.

It's been really difficult for me to get any pictures of the birds but here's a silhouette of just one. We actually had two different birds but one flew away before I got my camera out.
The hummingbirds take
refuge in the hemlock during the winter and will still come up to the house to get an occasional sip of nectar we put out for them.

This picture is of a typical fall morning for us. I love to watch the clouds birthed and rising up from the Sandy River below. Absolute
ly breath taking - literally...clean air! It is so nice to breathe the sweet smelling air we have up here. My senses come alive with the scenery and the odoriferous fragrances of the forest and the flowers we have in our yard.

More about my views coming soon!

1 comment:

  1. Definitely leave it!! As you've already implied, your view in enhanced by the wildlife it attracts and supports
